The Citation Extraction and Classifier is a software that performs automatic annotation of in-text citations in academic papers provided in PDF. This page shows the Citation Intent Classifier component, which is able to identify the citation intent of one or more citation(s) given as input.

Citations are classified according to the CiTO ontology and four classes are currently recognized: usesMethodIn, obtainsBackgroundFrom, useConclusionsFrom and citesForInformation.

You can process a bulk of citations in JSON format or via API (not available yet) or just try one single citation at a time in the following form.

(click on [Method]Our process analysis technique was adopted from the methodology proposed by Johnson et al. (2018)., [Background]There is a need for more observational studies and studies using narrative causation to describe the potential contribution of information in problem-solving and decision-making [3]. or [Results]Consistent with the observations reported by Lee and Khan (2020), our results indicate a significant correlation between sunlight exposure and the rate of photosynthesis. to load some demo sentences)

(Optional) Title of the section containing the citation sentence: